Utrecht-born Joop Moesman was a draughtsman at the Nederlandse Spoorwegen (Dutch Railways), but he also worked – without concessions – as a professional artist. He was attracted to Surrealism, a movement that sought to release the creative potential of the unconscious mind. This menacing beach lands
...cape is an example of the surrealistic ‘onirism’: when you awake from a deep sleep and can still ‘see’ your dreams. Moesman painted the clouds, sea, wall and towel in the same satiny style as Salvador Dalí and Yves Tanguy.
Text: Chris Reinewald
From: Museum MORE: 100 jaar realisme, 2020, GorsselUtrecht-born Joop Moesman was a draughtsman at the Nederlandse Spoorwegen (Dutch Railways), but he also worked – without concessions – as a professional artist. He was attracted to Surrealism, a movement that sought to release the creative potential of the unconscious mind. This menacing beach landscape is an example of the surrealistic ‘onirism’: when you awake from a deep sleep and can still ‘see’ your dreams. Moesman painted the clouds, sea, wall and towel in the same satiny style as Salvador Dalí and Yves Tanguy.
Text: Chris Reinewald
From: Museum MORE: 100 jaar realisme, 2020, Gorssel