Ferdinand Erfmann cultivated his position as an outsider in society and in art. In 1960 he painted this nostalgic scene from his past as a street acrobat 30 years earlier, which is clear from the clothes, namely the plus fours (trousers) and straw hats. After their performance, the buskers would go
...around collecting money. The people look somewhat expressionless and stereotyped, partly due to Erfmann’s ineptness, but certainly also by choice. The matte colours emphasize the uneasy, yet ever so intriguing atmosphere.
Text: Chris Reinewald
From: Museum MORE: 100 jaar realisme, 2020, GorsselFerdinand Erfmann cultivated his position as an outsider in society and in art. In 1960 he painted this nostalgic scene from his past as a street acrobat 30 years earlier, which is clear from the clothes, namely the plus fours (trousers) and straw hats. After their performance, the buskers would go around collecting money. The people look somewhat expressionless and stereotyped, partly due to Erfmann’s ineptness, but certainly also by choice. The matte colours emphasize the uneasy, yet ever so intriguing atmosphere.
Text: Chris Reinewald
From: Museum MORE: 100 jaar realisme, 2020, Gorssel
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Ferdinand Erfmann
Folk Festival
Olieverf op doek
60.3 x 40.3 cm (h x w)
Type of object
Copyright unknown. We have tried to trace the copyright holders. If you believe you have the copyright, please contact us.