Can we trace the flat, matt painting style and sturdy brushstroke to Ger Langeweg’s past making advertising posters? The same pleasant directness also characterises this still life. Dead pigeons lay carelessly upside down on the table. The tumbler, precisely in the middle, the crookedly positioned,
...white meerschaum pipe and two plump, green pears to the right form an abstract triangle, bringing balance to the oblique composition. The bottle appears to function primarily as a counterpoint to the dark pigeon’s feathers.
Text: Chris Reinewald
From: Museum MORE: 100 jaar realisme, 2020, GorsselCan we trace the flat, matt painting style and sturdy brushstroke to Ger Langeweg’s past making advertising posters? The same pleasant directness also characterises this still life. Dead pigeons lay carelessly upside down on the table. The tumbler, precisely in the middle, the crookedly positioned, white meerschaum pipe and two plump, green pears to the right form an abstract triangle, bringing balance to the oblique composition. The bottle appears to function primarily as a counterpoint to the dark pigeon’s feathers.
Text: Chris Reinewald
From: Museum MORE: 100 jaar realisme, 2020, Gorssel
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Ger Langeweg
Still Life with Pigeons
Oil on canvas
54.3 x 67.1 cm (h x w)
Type of object
Copyright unknown. We have tried to trace the copyright holders. If you believe you have the copyright, please contact us.