Andrew is a young boy. Anubis, as the Egyptian god of the dead is called, is depicted as a jackal or a human with a jackal’s head. Yet in this Little Red Riding Hood-like scene we do not see a jackal, but rather a gentle, stuffed Arctic fox, literally sleeping on a doll-like boy. That will be Andrew
.... Silvia B. largely constructs such fairy-tale-like or gruesome installations with sculptures, puppets and props influenced by Japanese anime. In these animated films or cartoons, you often do not know whether the story will remain amusing or take a scary turn.
Text: Chris Reinewald
From: Museum MORE: 100 jaar realisme, 2020, GorsselAndrew is a young boy. Anubis, as the Egyptian god of the dead is called, is depicted as a jackal or a human with a jackal’s head. Yet in this Little Red Riding Hood-like scene we do not see a jackal, but rather a gentle, stuffed Arctic fox, literally sleeping on a doll-like boy. That will be Andrew. Silvia B. largely constructs such fairy-tale-like or gruesome installations with sculptures, puppets and props influenced by Japanese anime. In these animated films or cartoons, you often do not know whether the story will remain amusing or take a scary turn.
Text: Chris Reinewald
From: Museum MORE: 100 jaar realisme, 2020, Gorssel