Realism from 1900 to the present
Museum MORE explores realism in Dutch art from the past century to the present day through a fully revamped display of its own collection. The new presentation includes 180 works of art, many of which have not previously been shown at the museum, supplemented by some thirty loans from contemporary artists (view the list).
In no fewer than six galleries and 180 works of art, the museum challenges traditional notions of the ‘reality’ that artists are able to represent visually. The onus here is very much on the visitor. What precisely is this reality? It suggests an objective fact, something that is ‘true’ for everyone. Yet nothing is further from the truth. I see what you don’t see, and vice versa: everyone perceives – and represents – reality in a different way.
Out of the box
Artistic Director Maite van Dijk: ‘Interestingly, some of these artists would not immediately label their own work as ‘realist’ or ‘figurative’. Which immediately raises a question for which there is no clear-cut answer. The intention isn’t to place this art into “old-fashioned” pigeonholes, but to look at it again with wonder and fascination.’

Tobias Schalken, My house is not my home, 2005, Collectie Museum MORE, fotografie Peter Cox

Rineke Dijkstra, Zelfportret, 2001, collectie Museum MORE, fotografie Peter Cox
Surprising angles
The intriguing questions posed by the museum are clustered around a variety of themes. This gives rise to unexpected angles, from ‘Suspense’, to ‘Almost Real?’ and ‘Figurative versus Abstract’. A rich spectrum is presented of paintings, photography, video, sculptures, wall hangings and a digital installation, grouped associatively across decades. What, for instance, do the delicate paintings of Jan Mankes have in common with the filmmaking, a hundred years more recent, of Guido van der Werve? A deep-seated yearning, perhaps, for beauty and comfort. And why do the photographs of Rineke Dijkstra and the work of Marlene Dumas sometimes evoke an indefinable sense of unease? Was it the creator’s intention? Or does it lie mainly in the perception of the viewer?
From 20th century masters to contemporary talent. Special thanks go to all contemporary artists who have lent their work for this exhibition (see all names in bold).
- Philip Akkerman
- Pat Andrea
- Silvia B.
- Hans Op de Beeck
- Lotta de Beus
- Jan Beutener
- Hermanus Berserik
- Barend Blankert
- Sara Blokland
- Wim Bosma
- Piet van den Boog
- Margriet van Breevoort
- Annemarie Busschers
- Marlene Dumas
- Rein Draijer
- Rineke Dijkstra
- Sidi El Karchi
- Ruud van Empel
- Esiri Erheriene-Essi
- Bobbi Essers
- Edgar Fernhout
- Herman Gordijn
- Kenne Grégoire
- Fer Hakkaart
- Ward Hellendoorn
- Henk Helmantel
- Arjan van Helmond
- Lieven Hendriks
- Raoul Hynckes
- Dick Ket
- Arnout Killian
- Carla Klein
- Cornelis Kloos
- Pyke Koch
- Peter Koole
- Axel van der Kraan
- Christiaan Kuitwaard
- Kiki Lamers
- Katinka Lampe
- Jan Robert Leegte
- Lynne Leegte
- Peter Leeuwen
- Theo L'Herminez
- Jan Mankes
- Raquel Maulwurf
- Sal Meijer
- Riek Milikowski-de Raat
- Gerrit Mink
- Joop Moesman
- Lara de Moor
- Walter Nobbe
- Wim Oepts
- Erwin Olaf
- Mark Outjers
- Barbara Philipp
- Joyce Overheul
- Lode Pemmelaar
- Johan Ponsioen
- Thom Puckey
- Michael Raedecker
- Gé Röling
- Dion Rosina
- Har Sanders
- Tobias Schalken
- Louis Schrikkel
- Wim Schuhmacher
- Robin Speijer
- Jan van Tongeren
- Charley Toorop
- Levi van Veluw
- Lidwien van de Ven
- Johan Marinus de Vries
- Mary Waters
- Guido van der Werve
- Co Westerik
- Carel Willink
- Jan Wittenberg
- Jan Worst
- Iriée Zamblé
- Siet Zuyderland
- Ina van Zyl