As a young painter, Herman Gordijn considered the elderly with more horror than compassion. He was particularly fascinated by the fading beauty of vain, aging women from The Hague . For this cartoonish older married couple in the tram, the painter approached the wrinkles with just as much energy as
... the creases in the clothes. The anatomical shortening of the upper legs and the woman’s hands is a technical feat. Gordijn borrowed the sultry colour scheme from his inspiration at the time, the German Expressive Realist Otto Dix.
Long-term loan from the Cultural Heritage Agency.
Text: Chris Reinewald
From: Museum MORE: 100 jaar realisme, 2020, GorsselAs a young painter, Herman Gordijn considered the elderly with more horror than compassion. He was particularly fascinated by the fading beauty of vain, aging women from The Hague . For this cartoonish older married couple in the tram, the painter approached the wrinkles with just as much energy as the creases in the clothes. The anatomical shortening of the upper legs and the woman’s hands is a technical feat. Gordijn borrowed the sultry colour scheme from his inspiration at the time, the German Expressive Realist Otto Dix.
Long-term loan from the Cultural Heritage Agency.
Text: Chris Reinewald
From: Museum MORE: 100 jaar realisme, 2020, Gorssel